The Working Outline for Research Paper on Euthanasia 1. The patient’s inability to afford expensive medication 2. The patient requesting to end his life 3. Families who The incipient euthanasia movement in the United States grew quiescent in the aftermath of the Holocaust as the world recoiled in horror to the news that between and , German doctors killed more than , disabled people, including infants and the mentally retarded people View Notes - Research Paper Outline from POSC at Texas Christian University. Should Euthanasia or Physician Assisted Suicide be legalized in the United States? I. Introduction A. Story 1
The Working Outline for Research Paper on Euthanasia - Words
View sample crime research paper on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help.
This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our writing service for professional assistance. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. That usage is now archaic, euthanasia research paper outline. Euthanasia is sometimes divided into different categories.
This is a misnomer. Euthanasia, at least as the term is presently utilized, involves intentional killing. Assisted suicide is closely related to euthanasia, euthanasia research paper outline. An assisted suicide occurs when one person gives another person the instructions, means, or capability to bring about their own demise. In the context of the modern moral and public policy debates, the motive in assisted suicide, euthanasia research paper outline, as in euthanasia, is to bring about an end to suffering.
The Hippocratic oath explicitly prohibited doctors from giving their patients poisons to end life and thus, traditionally, euthanasia and assisted suicide have not been considered legitimate medical acts. Legalizing either practice would transform hastening patient deaths from an ethically proscribed and usually criminal act into a legitimate medical practice.
Thus, widespread legalization would be a profound and dramatic shift in the traditional ethics of medical practice. Euthanasia is currently illegal and punishable as murder throughout the United States, euthanasia research paper outline.
Assisted suicide is a felony akin to manslaughter in most states, euthanasia research paper outline, proscribed either by statute or euthanasia research paper outline interpretation of the common law. The federal government has outlawed the use of federal funds in assisted suicide.
Assisted suicide is, however, legal in Oregon, where state law authorizes physicians to write lethal prescriptions at the euthanasia research paper outline of patients who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness reasonably likely to cause death within six months. In euthanasia research paper outline for the assisted suicide to be legal, the prescribing physician must follow regulatory guidelines.
Most current legalization proposals in the United States follow the format of the Oregon law. Internationally, both euthanasia and assisted suicide are almost universally outlawed. There are a few exceptions to this general rule. EXPEDIENT no. May 20, As of this writing the Colombia law has not gone into effect pending the creation of legal guidelines to govern the practice. Euthanasia and assisted suicide, while technically illegal, are practiced widely by doctors in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands experience will be discussed in detail below. Assisted suicide is not illegal in Switzerland, where assisted suicides committed by physicians and laypersons alike are reportedly not prosecuted if based on alleviating suffering caused by serious illness.
A euthanasia research paper outline proposals to legalize euthanasia were made in the United States and Germany during the latter portion of the nineteenth century.
However, it was euthanasia research paper outline until after World War I that euthanasia advocacy began in earnest. Euthanasia was popular enough in for Adolph Hitler to attempt to formally legalize the practice.
However, strong opposition from the churches caused the German government to drop the proposal. Euthanasia was also advocated in the United States during the s. Inthe New York Times announced the formation of a national euthanasia society that eventually became known as the Euthanasia Society of America.
Inthe group had drafted a proposed law permitting voluntary euthanasia. The incipient euthanasia movement in the United States grew quiescent in the aftermath of the Holocaust as the world recoiled in horror to the news that between andGerman doctors killed more thandisabled people, including infants and the mentally retarded people.
After the war, euthanasia research paper outline, organized euthanasia groups continued to exist in the United States but made little headway until the early s, when societal changes that began in the s and the resulting weakening of traditional moral values, as well as intellectual support by some within the medical intelligentsia, provided fertile ground for renewed euthanasia advocacy.
They also note that forty-four million Americans do not have health insurance, and that medicine is sometimes practiced in a discriminatory manner against racial and other minorities. There have been several attempts in the United States to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide through state initiatives, euthanasia research paper outline. The first attempt came inwhen euthanasia supporters attempted to qualify an initiative for the ballot in California, which would have permitted physicians to administer lethal injections for terminally ill patients who asked to have their deaths hastened.
The attempt failed to garner enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. After initial polling showed voter support in excess euthanasia research paper outline 70 percent, the initiative lost 54 to 46 percent. The pattern repeated itself in California inwhen a virtually identical proposal appeared on the California ballot in November as Proposition After initial support in excess of 70 percent, the measure also lost by a margin of 54 to 46 percent.
Two years later, in Oregon, Measure 16— the Oregon Death with Dignity Act—qualified for the November ballot. Unlike the earlier failed euthanasia research paper outline, Measure 16 limited its scope to legalizing physician-assisted suicide. The measure passed narrowly, 51 to 49 percent. The law was soon overturned as a violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.
However, this decision was itself overturned by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on procedural grounds Lee v. An attempt by opponents to repeal Measure 16 through another ballot initiative, Measure 51, failed in November by a margin of 60 to 40 percent. The law was in effect as of Insupporters of assisted suicide qualified Proposal B for the November ballot in Michigan. Proposal B, like Measure 16, euthanasia research paper outline, would have restricted legalization to assisted suicide and its terms were very similar to those of the Oregon law.
The debate over Proposal B was complicated by two factors: Michigan was the home state of Dr. Whatever the impact of these ancillary issues, when the votes were counted, Proposal B lost by an overwhelming 71 to 29 percent. During the s, Jack Kevorkian was undoubtedly the most well known assisted suicide and euthanasia advocate in the world. A retired pathologist from Michigan, Kevorkian made headlines internationally when he undertook a well publicized assisted-suicide campaign between and that reportedly ended the lives of approximately one hundred thirty people.
Some of those whose deaths Kevorkian facilitated were terminally ill and diagnosed as having less than six months to live, but most were disabled or chronically ill. According to autopsy reports, four of the people whose suicides Kevorkian helped had no discernible organic illness. At the time, Michigan had no law against assisted suicide and Kevorkian was not arrested. His next publicly acknowledged assisted suicide was conducted on 23 Octoberwhen Kevorkian made headlines for assisting the suicide of two women at the same location, one with multiple sclerosis and another who complained of chronic, euthanasia research paper outline, severe pelvic pain.
Kevorkian was arrested for murder but the case was dismissed. Kevorkian openly defied the law and was arrested, tried, and acquitted. Jack Kevorkian. Kevorkian was again arrested and tried. Once again, a jury found him not guilty. Kevorkian, it seemed, had a free hand. Kevorkian was arrested and convicted of second-degree murder.
He is currently in prison for a term of ten to twenty-five years. Wade U. They were unsuccessful. In Washington v. Glucksburg S. In the closely associated case of Vacco v. Quill S. They argued that since it is legal euthanasia research paper outline terminally ill persons to refuse lifesustaining medical treatment and die immediately but illegal for terminally ill people who do not require life support to secure immediate death through physician-assisted suicide, New York violated its constitutional obligation to treat similarly situated people equally.
In rejecting the argument, the Supreme Court ruled that the New York law actually treated similarly situated people alike: all patients are permitted to refuse unwanted treatment and none are allowed legal access to assisted suicide. The Court also ruled that there was a significant and rational distinction between refusing life-sustaining treatment and seeking assisted suicide.
Proponents took heart that several concurring opinions muddied the waters and seemed to indicate that the issue could be brought back to the courts for further review if a case of a patient with truly irremediable suffering were presented. There have been at least three attempts to invalidate state laws proscribing assisted suicide based on privacy provisions contained in state constitutions.
State of Alaska, No. A California Court of Appeals decision refused to permit a terminally ill man to have legal assistance with suicide so that his body could be cryogenically preserved. The most notable case to decide this issue in state courts was Krischer v. Florida So.
The Netherlands has the most experience with physician-hastened death. Among the guidelines are:. These guidelines are similar to those proposed in legalization proposals in the United States, although the Oregon law requires a terminal illness, a limitation not included in the Dutch guidelines.
On the other hand, the Oregon guidelines do not require that the patient be experiencing unbearable suffering or that there be no reasonable alternatives to relieve suffering other than assisted suicide. There have been several professional studies conducted into Dutch euthanasia practice. Most have reported that approximately 2, deaths are caused each year in the Netherlands by either euthanasia or assisted suicide—approximately 3 percent of all Dutch deaths. Opponents counter that this figure is horrifying: if the same percentage of Americans died with the direct assistance of doctors, it would amount to approximately sixty-eight thousand annual deaths, more than tripling the U.
suicide rate. Opponents also claim that the number of people actually killed by Dutch doctors is significantly understated in these studies. Ineuthanasia research paper outline, according to a Dutch government report, 8, euthanasia research paper outline, patients died through the intentional morphine-overdose method of mercy killing. A latter study found that about 1, die annually through the intentional morphine-overdose method of killing.
Whatever the actual annual figure, if intentional morphine-overdose deaths are counted as euthanasia, euthanasia research paper outline, the statistical mercy killing rate in the Netherlands significantly exceeds the published statistics.
A Dutch documentary showed a young woman in remission from anorexia requesting doctor-induced death because she was afraid of resuming food abuse.
Euthanasia Research Paper
, time: 1:21Research Paper on Euthanasia - Nursingfy
Outline For Euthanasia Research Paper. When addressing the matter of Euthanasia and PAS, “we must first acknowledge that figuring out the benefits and harms of permitting euthanasia or PAS is speculative at best” (Emanuel). As well, it is important to acknowledge the fact that, “no matter which social policy regarding euthanasia or PAS is adopted - legalization or maintaining the current policy of permitting WORKING OUTLINE I. Introduction A. Euthanasia is defined as a “good and painless death” B. Active Euthanasia, Passive Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide or Mercy Killing are the different kinds of euthanasia that most people consider to be immoral C. The reasons of people in favor of euthanasia bases on the situation of the patients 1. The patient’s inability to afford expensive Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins So, how would euthanasia essay outline look like? Introduction. In most cases, it’s a small paragraph made of sentences only. Use this part to present your paper, grab the attention of readers, and make them read till the very end. That’s not easy, we know. Still, impossible is nothing
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