First of all, conflict can be resolved by both side simply avoiding it as an overall issue and instead trying to resolve immediate and spontaneous cases that could worsen the main conflict further. Second, conflict resolution can take the form of acceptance which happens when both sides agrees that the conflict is a part of their lives and that they can only study it Jul 04, · Conflict and Conflict Resolution Term Paper Introduction. With the emergence of globalization and the subsequent growth of world economies, the upsurge in human Definition of conflict. As observed by (Rahim, p15) the word conflict does not have a very clear way of defining it. The Reasons of Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Term Paper 1. Seek First to Understand Appraise the situation honestly. Do you understand the other's position in an objective and 2. Dealing with People and Relationships Identify the players. Talk to -- not about -- the person. What is her emotional 3
Term Paper: Conflict Resolution in the Workplace | 6 pages, 6 sources, Words:
With the emergence of globalization and the subsequent growth of world economies, the upsurge in human population and the need for interpersonal and term papers on conflict resolution communication, people seem to interact more and more. Most of these interactions take place at work places. Diversity at the workplace has also been a major cause of conflicts in organizations.
In addition, the growing need for interaction to help come up with decisions and policies in organizations has been another cause o conflicts in modern business environments. Therefore, term papers on conflict resolution, conflicts at work places have become common phenomena Palmer, p 4. As observed by Rahim, p15 the word conflict does not have a very clear way of defining it. The difference in defining it comes as a result of different definitions from different scholars in varying fields of study that have a desire to study conflict.
However, all different definitions are accepted so long as one clearly specifies the subject or field of study under which he or she if defining it. The definition according to an organizational context is that term papers on conflict resolution is a leakage or a disruption in the standard channels of making decisions in the organization which hinders the choice of alternative options by either individuals or groups.
It is however argued that this definition does not suit to be used in research as it narrows down the concept Rahim, p Conflict can also be explained as an activity that happens between two people who have conscious minds and are logical in thinking.
A conflict is an event that happens when a number of people wish to pursue something, but they fail to have a common stand on how to do it. The definition of conflict is nonetheless not strictly attached to individuals or groups but it can also be applied to bigger entities like states Nicholson, p Conflict can also be defined as disagreement that comes from either individuals or groups as a result of varying opinions, differing needs and attitudes, perception and values.
Term papers on conflict resolution results when these groups or individuals come up with varying and opposing stand on a similar subject Walker and Miller p Conflicts in organizations or at workplaces arise due to numerous reasons. In organizations or workplaces, relations between individuals or groups matter a lot, term papers on conflict resolution. It is these relations that stand to determine whether the organization runs smoothly or not.
We currently live in an uncertain economy that is characterized by competition for both market and promotion, priorities that are mostly misplaced, blame game and pointing of fingers and stress and depression that result from work pressures. All these stand in interaction to cause conflicts at work places. It is however believed that the heterogeneity of people stands to be a universal genesis of conflict in companies, term papers on conflict resolution.
As people work together, disagreement over decisions is inevitable. These differences come to play when setting goals, formulating objectives, making policies and in the strife to attain or achieve these goals and objectives Psychometrics, para 2. In a study that was carried out in Canada about experiences of conflict at workplace having been triggered by the studies done in the United States and United Kingdom, causes of conflicts were rated in percentages.
A majority of employees tend to share same views on what causes conflicts at workplaces. They argue that conflicts depart from certain major attributes among them the aspect of leadership in organizations, term papers on conflict resolution, differing personalities, communication patterns term papers on conflict resolution the environment at work. Personality diversity is seen as the major reason for conflicts between and among workers. It is too hard to integrate the divergent personalities from different people.
Different personalities are accompanied by different egos thus a clash of egos becomes eminent Landskroner, p According to Walker and Miller p. These are lack of or proper communication, poor defining of roles and duties by the management and low esteem by employees resulting from the notion of undervaluation. Communication plays a very big role in ensuring that the organization runs smoothly.
Communication itself is a very delicate and complicated phenomenon. Absence of honesty and openness amongst employees is perceived to emanate from work related stress causes clashes between employees Walker and Miller p. Lack of good leadership also plays a big role in bringing conflicts at the workplace. When the top management of companies comes up with policies that do not foster good relations in the organization, conflicts become unavoidable. However, term papers on conflict resolution, it is hard to define what good leadership itself is Walker and Miller p.
Speedy pace of business is one of the major causes of conflict. Too much pressure is put on employees to suit the bulging needs of companies or businesses, for instance the need to increase production to meet the rising demand. Such pressure stressing up employing resulting in tampers thus creating a favorable environment for conflicts Wenger and Mockli, p 4. Competition has become a common case in business due to diversity in consumption patterns, advancement in technology and globalization.
Organizations term papers on conflict resolution to tailor-make their products, term papers on conflict resolution, thus the need to diversify operations of organizations in order to maximize their profits. Diversification affects the mutual working patterns and relations resulting in conflicts in organizations Wenger and Mockli p 4. Additionally, organizations nowadays keep altering and shifting the working environment.
This is as a result of organizations in modern time being characterized by merging of functions, acquisitions, maximization of sales and expansion of operations that is accompanied with opening of newer enterprises.
All these are positive but the pressures that come with them are sometimes too high to be managed resulting in conflict Eisaguirre, p There is almost a blurred line between the causes of employee conflict and the sources of conflicts in organization or companies.
However, term papers on conflict resolution, it should be understood that it is reasons that culminate into causes. The sources of conflict could be structural, or economic related. It could also be social, psychological or cultural. An individual and the organization are the two broad sources of conflicts Stretton, p Personal qualities of an individual which are shaped by many factors are also sources of conflicts. Many people differ in terms of age, sex, term papers on conflict resolution, gender, religious affiliations, manner of communicating and even personal motivations.
All these interact and the result of their interaction is conflict Burke and Friedman, p In organizations, the most common cause of conflict is inadequate resources. The need to use the fewer available resources to satisfy demands of competing ends result in work pressures leading to wrangles.
This is an organizational problem that results in other pressures which brings turmoil at places of work Burke and Friedman, p Power is a very important element in any organization.
In fact it is argued that the source of many conflicts between employees in organizations is power. It is very hard to find an organization where power has been equally distributed across the organization, because power comes from major three sources mentioned as structure, knowledge and the culture. Power creates dependency that makes some people have power to influence others. If not well managed, power which gives one person an upper hand of influencing the outcome of events could lead to constant confrontations and put into tatters the good patterns of relations Bacal, p Age in the modern times has come to be a very concrete debate in politics.
Age has polarized the world population into the old and the youths. Age has resulted in discrimination in organizations where the old oppose the young and vice versa. All these employees exist in organization and because they are at loggerheads with each other, conflict become inevitable Kunisch, Sven, term papers on conflict resolution, Boehm, and Boppel, p Goal and goal setting is an origin of conflicts in the organization.
There are different types of goals namely content, process, and relational and identity goals. Sex and gender issues have in the recent past been a source of employee conflicts. It is nowadays common to hear spouses conflicting because of relations at the workplace for instance you may hear that a boss has term papers on conflict resolution relations with an term papers on conflict resolution. When these conflicts spill over to the public, it is too hard to contain them.
They even go a way out to cause breakage of marriages and engagements. Gender stereotypes are also major causes of conflicts at the workplace Barret, p When organizations fail to clearly define roles and responsibilities, there will be a likelihood of a conflict to happen. In such a case, decisions are reached upon in a hap hazard manner. Such decisions easily escalate to conflicts at the workplace Straesser, p Intrapersonal factors have ability to cause serious conflicts.
An example is stress and depression. Stress can originate from either from home or at the work place. Stress makes an individual to act irrationally. Failing to solve conflicts creates a lot of costs in an organization because in most cases, conflicts are liabilities to the organization. It may not be easy for an outsider to know when and if an organization is experiencing conflicts.
However, there are some trends or patterns of behavior that may make one deduce that a conflict exist in an organization. When employees are in conflict, the patterns of relations change. The employees in conflict will want not to come term papers on conflict resolution to face or in contact with one another.
They keep avoiding each other even if they work in a similar department. When things are not working well at the workplace, term papers on conflict resolution, employees would like to gossip term papers on conflict resolution these deep seated issues therefore these are indicative of a conflict in the organization. Conflicts in organizations are characterized by disintegration of groups. For a conflict to take place there has to be more than a single party. This is the first component of conflict that arises from the definition of the term itself.
However, this component seems to ignore intrapersonal conflicts from which most conflicts originate Scannell, p 2. There has to be incompatibility in ter. ms of ideas, beliefs, actions, objectives and goals, term papers on conflict resolution.
For a conflict to prevail there has to be opposing views over something or someone Scannell, p. In conflicting situations, the sides which oppose one another see their options as the best suited to offer the best solution. People work to maximize the adoption of their ideas Scannell, p 2. Organizations that experience conflict mostly have higher rates of performance.
Certain conflict types may affect the performance of groups or organizations positively. These fall under substantive conflicts.
Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution - An Overview
, time: 6:01Term Paper: International Conflict Resolution | 8 pages, MLA, Words:

First of all, conflict can be resolved by both side simply avoiding it as an overall issue and instead trying to resolve immediate and spontaneous cases that could worsen the main conflict further. Second, conflict resolution can take the form of acceptance which happens when both sides agrees that the conflict is a part of their lives and that they can only study it Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Term Paper 1. Seek First to Understand Appraise the situation honestly. Do you understand the other's position in an objective and 2. Dealing with People and Relationships Identify the players. Talk to -- not about -- the person. What is her emotional 3 Conflict Resolution CONFLICT RESOLUTION PAPER R O N S A E L. M A S O N P R O F. S H A R O N B U R K E. COM/ INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Several advantages that a team has over an individual in the workplace include greater total resources, greater knowledge band and a
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