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Phd thesis stanford university

Phd thesis stanford university

phd thesis stanford university

PhD Thesis, Stanford, CA Stanford University. Login. Login Stanford Arm, Delta Robot. JOURNAL NAME: Advances in Historical Studies, Vol.8 No.1, February 15, ABSTRACT: Industrial robotics is a branch of robotics that gained paramount importance in the last century The Registrar's Office in conjunction with the Stanford University Library offer students the option to submit their dissertation/thesis in electronic format. This electronic submission process is free of charge to students and allows them the ability to log into Axess and check their pre-submission requirements in the eDissertation/eThesis Center under the academics blogger.comon: Stanford, CA, Stanford University PhD thesis style ( LaTeX template. This is unofficial so you should always double check against the Registrar's office rules; see This template contains an example of use to help you get started, and further documentation can be found within the suthesis

Electronic Theses and Dissertations | Stanford Libraries

Result includes all theses and dissertations — from all sources — held in the Stanford Libraries and Digital Repository. To show Stanford work only, refine by Stanford student work or by Stanford school or department. Current results range from to Skip to search Skip to main content Skip to first result.

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Name of resource. Problem URL. Describe the connection issue. Theses and dissertations Result includes all theses and dissertations — from all sources — held in the Stanford Libraries and Digital Repository. Catalog start Organization as author Stanford University. Department of Economics Remove constraint Organization as author : Stanford University.

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Book 1, phd thesis stanford university year — to year Current results range from to View distribution. English 1, Hoxby, Caroline Minter 49 Bloom, Nick, 47 Einav, Liran 46 Bernheim, B. Douglas 44 Wolak, Frank A. Jonathan David20 Milgrom, Paul R. Paul Robert20 Schneider, Martin Professor of economics 18 Dupas, Pascaline 17 Segal, Ilya 17 Gentzkow, Matthew 15 Bagwell, Kyle 14 more authors.

Call number. Econometrics 16 Economic development 14 Foreign exchange 14 Banks and banking 13 Economics 13 Agriculture 12 Inflation Finance 12 Monetary policy 12 Taxation 10 Education 9 Equilibrium Economics 9 Labor supply 9 Income 8 Money 8 Wages 8 Balance of payments 7 Economics, Mathematical 7 Industries 7 Prices 7 Capital 6 more topics. United States California 23 Developing countries 11 Japan 10 India 6 Australia 4 Pakistan 4 Argentina 3 Canada 3 Chile 3 China 3 Germany 3 Germany West 3 Norway 3 San Francisco Calif.

Organization as author. Stanford University. Department of Economics [remove] 1, Stanford University. Committee on Graduate Studies 1 Stanford University. Department of History 1. View results as: View Normal Gallery Brief. Sort by relevance relevance new to the Libraries year new to old year old to new author title.

Online 1. Causal and computational methods for the study of labor market frictions []. Rajkumar, Karthik, author. We take a primarily computational lens to the problems described. The first chapter is co-authored with Guillaume Saint-Jacques, Sinan Aral, phd thesis stanford university, Iavor Bojinov and Erik Brynjolfsson and is centered on the role of social networks in labor markets. Although the Strength of Weak Phd thesis stanford university is one of the most influential social-scientific theories of the past century, two empirical challenges have prevented a definitive causal test of this theory.

First, a lack of large-scale data linking social networks to job transmission has prevented empirical verification of their association. Second, network ties and labor market outcomes are endogenous, making causal evidence of a link between weak ties and jobs elusive.

We address these challenges using data from multiple randomized experiments conducted on LinkedIn's People You May Know PYMK phd thesis stanford university, which recommends new connections to LinkedIn users. The PYMK experiments we analyzed randomly varied the prevalence of weak ties in the networks of over 17 million people, creating approximately 2 billion new ties andnew jobs. Using the exogenous variation in weak ties created by these experiments, we tested the extent to which weak ties increase job applications and job transmissions.

Contrary to recent correlational evidence, which suggests job transmissions correlate with strong ties, we found weak ties increase job transmission, but only to a point, after which there are diminishing marginal returns to tie weakness. They also suggest the need to revise the theory by incorporating the non-linear effects of weak ties on job transmission. Co-authored with Susan Athey, Lilia Chang and Lisa Simon, the second chapter examines labor market job changes in the broader US economy.

Workers will need to transition occupations at an increasing rate in the future, as automation and other trends change which occupations are in demand and which skills are required. This work aims to accurately predict fine-grained labor market state transitions of individual workers, given their observable characteristics and their labor market histories.

We estimate a discrete choice model of occupational transitions with thousands of choices, using recent new methods developed in Ruiz et al. While the model is descriptive, we can compare workers who have the same occupation, phd thesis stanford university, education and individual characteristics, but differ in terms of urban or rural location. Holding individual characteristics and the start state fixed, we find that urban workers in declining occupations earn 6, phd thesis stanford university.

We are then able to perform a decomposition that find that a large majority of this difference can be accounted for by increased opportunities in urban areas, as opposed to a wage premium in the same state in urban areas per se. In the last chapter, co-authored with Evan Rosenman, Romain Gauriot, and Robert Slonim, we study volunteer labor markets. First, we make a methodological contribution to the regression discontinuity designs literature. A crucial assumption this design rely on is that the forcing variable on which treatment is assigned cannot phd thesis stanford university manipulated, one that is frequently violated in practice thus jeopardizing point identification.

In this paper, we introduce a novel method that provides partial identification bounds on the causal parameter of interest. The method first estimates the number of manipulators in the sample using a log-concavity assumption on the un-manipulated density of the phd thesis stanford university variable, phd thesis stanford university.

We then derive best- and worst-case bounds when we delete that number of points from the data, along with fast computational methods to obtain them.

We use the new method on a large dataset of blood donations from the Abu Dhabi blood bank to obtain the causal effect of deferral on future volunteering behavior. We find that, despite significant manipulation in the data, it has power to detect causal effects where traditional methods, such as donut-hole RDDs, fail. Online 2. Essays in corporate finance and mobile application market []. Yoon, phd thesis stanford university, Joon Young, author, phd thesis stanford university. In Chapter 2, I empirically examine whether corporate boards benchmark performance against peer firms to evaluate and fire CEOs.

In Chapter 3, I explore adoption and impacts of monetization strategy innovations in the mobile app market to better understand what types of apps choose which monetization strategies.

Online 3. Essays in development economics and industrial organization []. Jiménez Hernández, Diego Javier, author. To understand direct provision, we develop and estimate an equilibrium model of the market, then phd thesis stanford university the model to compare this program against natural budget-neutral alternatives, such as milk vouchers or unrestricted cash transfers. Using rich household-level panel data and the variation generated by the staggered introduction of new government stores, phd thesis stanford university, we show that market power by private milk suppliers is an important concern and that government-sold and privately-sold milk are close though imperfect substitutes.

Consequently, direct provision plays an important role in the milk market in Mexico by disciplining private-milk prices. In the second chapter, co-authored with Phd thesis stanford university G. Castellanos, Aprajit Mahajan, and Enrique Seira, we study expanding financial access particularly borrowing to underserved populations, phd thesis stanford university. Credit card debt is increasingly common among poor and inexperienced borrowers -- thus de facto a financial inclusion product.

However, it remains relatively under-studied. However, using a large nationwide experiment we find that default is unresponsive to minimum payment increases, a commonly proposed policy remedy. We provide evidence that the zero result is driven by the phd thesis stanford university effects of tightened liquidity constraints and lower debt burdens. Surprisingly, we also find muted default responses to large experimental changes in interest rates -- suggesting a limited role for ex-post moral hazard in our context.

Finally, we use job displacements to document large effects of unemployment on default, phd thesis stanford university, highlighting the centrality of idiosyncratic shocks as a barrier to the expansion of formal credit among poorer populations. In the third and last chapter, coauthored with Joshua J. Kim and Aleksandr Shirkhanyan, we study savings in Armenia, particularly phd thesis stanford university on a unique problem that households in the developing world often face: how to safely store their assets when the value of their local currency is unstable.

This instability leads to several complicated decisions households must make, phd thesis stanford university, such as how much to save and which currencies to save in. These choices are especially important for households during periods of macroeconomic volatility such as currency depreciations. In this paper, we study how households make such savings decisions following a large currency depreciation in Phd thesis stanford university. We exploit the unique structure of Armenian financial instruments, which generates quasi-random variation in which savers are nudged into paying attention to the depreciation.

We then study how this random difference in initial attention affects the future savings choices that individuals make. Using a differences-in-differences design, we find that individuals who received a nudge to pay attention to the currency depreciation significantly reduced their total savings, held their savings for shorter periods of time, and chose to save their assets in USD.

We find that these effects are strongest for individuals who predominantly saved in the domestic currency and individuals who are less financially sophisticated. We also find that while some of the differences in savings decisions are temporary, others persist long after the original depreciation event, phd thesis stanford university. Online 4. Essays in market design and information economics [].

Song Han's PhD Defense. June 1, 2017 @Stanford

, time: 55:46

Dissertations and theses | Stanford Libraries

phd thesis stanford university

PhD thesis, Stanford University, March Kaustuv (SCCM). IPSOL: An Interior Point Solver for Nonconvex Optimization Problems. PhD thesis, Stanford University, December Hanh Huynh (SCCM). A Large-scale Quadratic Programming Solver Based on Block-LU Updates of the KKT System. PhD thesis, Stanford University, September Leo Tenenblat (IMPA) Since fall , many Stanford PhDs have opted to submit their dissertations electronically. Unless the student chose to place the dissertation under an embargo, electronic dissertations are available to view as PDFs via the dissertation’s catalog record in SearchWorks Stanford University PhD thesis style ( LaTeX template. This is unofficial so you should always double check against the Registrar's office rules; see This template contains an example of use to help you get started, and further documentation can be found within the suthesis

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