拝啓 時下ますますご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。 平素は格別のお引き立てをいただき、厚く御礼申し上げます。 George Smith Patton Jr. was born on November 11, , in the Los Angeles suburb of San Gabriel, California, to George Smith Patton Sr. and his wife Ruth Wilson, the daughter of Benjamin Davis blogger.com had a younger sister, Anne, nicknamed "Nita." Nita became engaged to John J. Pershing, Patton's mentor, in , but the engagement ended due to their separation during Pershing's time in Un libro è un insieme di fogli, stampati oppure manoscritti, delle stesse dimensioni, rilegati insieme in un certo ordine e racchiusi da una copertina.. Il libro è il veicolo più diffuso del sapere. L'insieme delle opere stampate, inclusi i libri, è detto letteratura.I libri sono pertanto opere blogger.com biblioteconomia e scienza dell'informazione un libro è detto monografia, per
Libro - Wikipedia
George Smith Patton Jr. November 11, — December 21, was a general in the United States Army who commanded the Seventh United States Army in the Mediterranean theater of World War IIand the Third United States Army in France and Germany after the Allied invasion of Normandy in June Born inPatton attended the Virginia Military Institute and the United States Military Academy at West Point.
He studied fencing and designed the M Cavalry Sabermore commonly known as the "Patton Saber". He competed in modern pentathlon in the Summer Olympics in StockholmSweden. Patton entered combat during the Pancho Villa Expedition ofthe United States' first military action using motor vehicles.
He fought essey about friendship World Essey about friendship I as part of the new United States Tank Corps of the American Expeditionary Forces : he commanded the U. tank school in France, then led tanks into combat and was wounded near the end of the war. In the interwar period, Patton became a central figure in the development of the army's armored warfare doctrine, serving in numerous staff positions throughout the country.
At the United States' entry into World War II, he commanded the 2nd Armored Division, essey about friendship. Patton led U. troops into the Mediterranean theater with an invasion of Casablanca during Operation Torch inand soon established himself as an effective commander by rapidly rehabilitating the demoralized II United States Corps.
He commanded the U. Seventh Army during the Allied invasion of Sicily essey about friendship, where he was the first Allied commander to reach Messina. There he was embroiled in controversy after he slapped two shell-shocked soldiersand was temporarily removed from battlefield command.
He was assigned a key role in Operation Fortitudethe Allies' military deception campaign for Operation Overlord. At the start of the Western Allied invasion of FrancePatton was given command of the Third Army, which conducted a highly successful rapid armored drive across France, essey about friendship. Under his decisive leadership, the Third Army took the lead in relieving beleaguered American troops at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulgeafter which his forces drove deep into Nazi Germany by the end of the war.
During the Allied occupation of Germanyessey about friendship, Patton was named military essey about friendship of Bavariabut was relieved for making aggressive statements towards the Soviet Union and trivializing denazification. He commanded the United States Fifteenth Army for slightly more than two months. Severely injured in an auto accident, he died in Germany twelve days later, on December 21, Patton's colorful image, hard-driving personality, and success as a commander were at times overshadowed by his controversial public statements, essey about friendship.
His philosophy of leading from the front, and his ability to inspire troops with attention-getting, vulgarity-laden speeches, such as his famous address to the Third Armywas received favorably by his troops, essey about friendship, but much less so by a sharply divided Allied high command, essey about friendship.
His sending the doomed Task Force Baum to liberate his son-in-law, Lieutenant Colonel John K. Waters from a prisoner-of-war camp further damaged his standing with his superiors. His emphasis on rapid and aggressive offensive action proved effective, and he was regarded highly by his opponents in the German High Command.
An award-winning biographical film released inPattonhelped popularize his image. was born on November 11,[1] [2] in the Los Angeles suburb of San Gabriel, Californiato George Smith Patton Sr, essey about friendship.
and his wife Ruth Wilson, the daughter of Benjamin Davis Wilson. Patton had a younger sister, Anne, nicknamed "Nita. PershingPatton's mentor, inbut the engagement ended due to their separation during Pershing's time in France during World War I. As a child, Patton had difficulty learning to read and write, but eventually overcame this and was known in his adult life to be an avid reader.
Patton was described as an intelligent boy and was widely read on classical military historyparticularly the exploits of HannibalScipio Africanusessey about friendship, Julius Caesaressey about friendship, Joan of Arcand Napoleon Bonaparteas well as those of family friend John Singleton Mosbywho frequently stopped by the Patton family essey about friendship when George was a child.
At age 24, Patton married Beatrice Banning Ayer, the daughter of Boston industrialist Frederick Ayeron May 26,in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. They had three children, Beatrice Smith born MarchRuth Ellen born Februaryand George Patton IV born December Patton never seriously considered a career other than the military.
He applied to several universities with Reserve Officer's Training Corps programs, and was accepted to Princeton College, but eventually decided on Virginia Military Institute VMIwhich his father and grandfather had attended, essey about friendship. While he was at VMI, a senator from California nominated him for West Point. In his plebe first year at West Point, Patton adjusted easily to the routine. However, his academic performance was so poor that he was forced to repeat his first year after failing mathematics.
He was cadet sergeant major during his junior year, and the cadet adjutant his senior year. He also joined the football team, but he injured his arm and stopped playing on several occasions. Instead he tried out for the sword team and track and field and specialized in the modern pentathlon. Patton graduated number 46 out of cadets at West Point on June 11,[14] and received a commission as a second lieutenant in the Cavalry branch of the United States Army.
The Patton family was of Irishessey about friendship, Scots-IrishEnglishScottishFrench and Welsh ancestry. His great-grandmother came from an aristocratic Welsh family, essey about friendship, descended from many Welsh essey about friendship of Glamorganessey about friendship, [4] which had an extensive military background.
Patton believed he had former lives as a soldier and took pride in mystical ties with his ancestors. He emigrated to Culpeper, Virginiafrom Essey about friendshipin either or Patton was killed in Pickett's Charge during the Battle of Gettysburg. Patton also descended from Hugh Mercerwho had been killed in the Battle of Princeton during the American Revolution. Patton's father, who graduated from the Virginia Military Institute VMIbecame a lawyer and later the district attorney of Los Angeles County.
Patton's maternal grandfather was Benjamin Davis Wilsona merchant who had been the second Mayor of Los Angeles. His father was a wealthy rancher and lawyer who owned a one-thousand-acre ha ranch near Pasadena, California.
Patton's first posting was with the 15th Cavalry at Fort Sheridan, Illinois[28] where he established himself as a hard-driving leader who impressed superiors with his dedication. Befriending Secretary of War Henry L. StimsonPatton served as his aide at social functions on top of his regular duties as quartermaster for his troop.
For his skill in running and fencing, Patton was selected as the Army's entry for the first modern pentathlon at the Olympic Games in StockholmEssey about friendship. Army—issue pistol while most of the other competitors chose.
He claimed that the holes in the paper from his early shots were so large that a later bullet passed through them, but the judges decided that one of his bullets missed the target completely. Modern competitions on this level frequently now employ a moving backdrop specifically to track multiple shots through the same hole.
Patton's only comment on the matter was:. The high spirit of sportsmanship and generosity manifested throughout speaks volumes for the character of the officers of the present day. There was not a single incident of a protest or any unsportsmanlike quibbling or fighting for points which I may say, marred some of the other civilian competitions at the Olympic Games. Each man did his best and took what fortune sent them like a true soldier, and at the end we all felt more like essey about friendship friends and comrades than rivals in a severe competition, yet this spirit of friendship in no essey about friendship detracted from the zeal with which essey about friendship strove for success.
Following the Olympics, Patton travelled to SaumurFrance, where he learned fencing techniques from Adjutant Charles Cléry, a French "master of arms" and instructor of fencing at the cavalry school there. cavalry, favoring thrusting attacks over the standard slashing maneuver and designing a new sword for such attacks.
He was temporarily assigned to the Office of the Army Chief of Staffand inthe first 20, of the Model Cavalry Saber —popularly known as the "Patton saber"—were ordered. Patton then returned to Saumur to learn advanced techniques before bringing his skills to the Mounted Service School at Fort RileyKansas, where he would be essey about friendship a student and a fencing instructor. He was the first Army officer to be designated "Master of the Sword", [38] [39] a title denoting the school's top instructor in swordsmanship.
He was originally intended to return to the 15th Cavalry, [42] which was bound for the Philippines. Fearing this assignment would dead-end his career, essey about friendship, Patton travelled to Washington, D, essey about friendship. during 11 days of leave and convinced influential friends to arrange a reassignment for him to the 8th Cavalry at Fort BlissTexas, anticipating that instability in Mexico might boil over into a full-scale civil war.
In Lieutenant Patton was assigned to border patrol duty with A Troop of the 8th Cavalry, based in Sierra Blanca. His firearm discharged accidentally one night in a saloonso he swapped it for an ivory-handled Colt Single Action Army revolver, a weapon that would later become an icon of Patton's image.
In March Mexican forces loyal to Pancho Villa crossed into New Mexico and raided the border town of Columbus. The violence in Columbus killed several Americans. In response, the U. launched the Pancho Villa Expedition into Mexico. Chagrined to discover that his unit would not participate, Patton appealed to expedition commander John J.
Pershingand was named his personal aide for the expedition. This meant that Patton would have some role in organizing the effort, and his eagerness and dedication to the task impressed Pershing. In mid-April, Patton asked Pershing for the opportunity to command troops, and was assigned to Troop C of the 13th Cavalry to assist in the manhunt for Essey about friendship and his subordinates, essey about friendship.
A force of ten soldiers and two civilian guides, under Patton's command, with the 6th Infantry in three Dodge touring cars surprised three of Villa's men during a foraging expedition, killing Julio Cárdenas and two of his guards, essey about friendship.
President Woodrow Wilson forbade the expedition from conducting aggressive patrols deeper into Mexico, so it remained encamped in the Mexican border states for much of that time. In October Patton briefly retired to California after being burned by an exploding gas lamp, essey about friendship. After the Villa Expedition, Patton was detailed to Front Royal, Virginiato oversee horse procurement for the Army, but Pershing intervened on his behalf.
Patton was dissatisfied with the post and began to take an interest in tanksas Pershing sought to give him command of an infantry battalion. On November 10, Patton was assigned to establish the AEF Light Tank School. On November 20, the British launched an offensive towards the important rail center of Cambraiusing an unprecedented number of tanks.
Patton was promoted to major on January 26, The only US soldier with tank-driving experience, essey about friendship, Patton personally backed seven of the tanks off the train. In Augusthe was placed in charge of the U. Patton's Light Tank Brigade was part of Colonel Samuel Rockenbach 's Tank Corps, part of the American First Army. forces, and reconnoitering the essey about friendship area for their first attack himself, Patton ordered that no U.
tank be surrendered. He walked in front of the tanks into the German-held village of Esseyessey about friendship rode on top of a tank during the attack into Pannesseeking to inspire his men. Patton's brigade was then moved to support U. I Corps in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive on September Aroundessey about friendship, Patton was wounded while leading six men and a tank in an attack essey about friendship German machine guns near the town of Cheppy.
ESSAY on FRIENDSHIP II 10 lines on friendship -- UNIQUE E LEARNING
, time: 3:58
拝啓 時下ますますご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。 平素は格別のお引き立てをいただき、厚く御礼申し上げます。 George Smith Patton Jr. was born on November 11, , in the Los Angeles suburb of San Gabriel, California, to George Smith Patton Sr. and his wife Ruth Wilson, the daughter of Benjamin Davis blogger.com had a younger sister, Anne, nicknamed "Nita." Nita became engaged to John J. Pershing, Patton's mentor, in , but the engagement ended due to their separation during Pershing's time in Un libro è un insieme di fogli, stampati oppure manoscritti, delle stesse dimensioni, rilegati insieme in un certo ordine e racchiusi da una copertina.. Il libro è il veicolo più diffuso del sapere. L'insieme delle opere stampate, inclusi i libri, è detto letteratura.I libri sono pertanto opere blogger.com biblioteconomia e scienza dell'informazione un libro è detto monografia, per
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